I couldn’t decide if I wanted to start from the start or the end of my week honestly; it’s been a long one that’s for sure. So many things have happened and so many things are coming up. For those unfamiliar, this upcoming season is the best season of the year. Spooky Season. Among this being the best season of the year it primarily made up of my favorite month of the year as well. I know it’s a little strange to have a favorite month, but my birthday kicks it off at the beginning of the month and the day of celebration for spooky season ending her off with Halloween on the last day of the month. It’s a perfect day to have a party or get together if you ask me. Not that I’ll be doing any of that; I’m not too keen on large groups of people if I’m going to be honest.
I’ve recently made some changes in my daily life habits that have forced me into a frenzy of cleaning up my act. That’s looked very different over the past couple of weeks honestly. I’ve been recently influenced to listen to motivational speeches for daily motivation to get out of that daily funk a lot of people feel. I’ve been trying it out as a way to start my mornings in a powerful mindset. My primary goal of late has been to perfect my health, particularly that of the mental. To be perfectly healthy you have to find stability in your mind, body, and spirit. I have been more spiritually inclined for the majority of my life and took a deep spiritual journey in my solitude during the COVID era. In this current point in the timeline, I am focused on strengthening my mind in the best way that I know I can do it. With my journey for my best self, I have come to terms with changes for the better; regardless if they seem like it at the time. Due to this, I took the opportunity to start a new job. Before I started my new job, I also took the opportunity to take a road trip to visit some family for a few days.
Road trips are most definitely a task for a certain breed of people that is for sure. I like to think that I am one of those people that thrive in a road trip, but this trip wore my patience very thin. Before we get into the road trip itself I want to give myself a shout-out for all the work I did to prepare for a road trip! With the amount of cleaning and organizing that I did to make sure I was fully prepared to take such a trip and to make sure that I had everything that I needed! Yet my enjoyment of my trip went from a 10/10 experience to an emotional roller coaster that felt like it would never end! I originally planned for a beautiful scenic drive and to be to my family home by dinner time…..that’s not what happened. My day started as planned, nice and early, with no troubles on the road. Then got a little and stopped for a nap like any sensible driver would you know. But when I woke up, 6 hours had been added onto my trip. At that point, the roller coaster that is my emotions began. I had been on the road for 22 hours that day. I’m still in awe of that trip I’m going to be honest. Good thing my return trip went quick and smoothly.
Even with the mind-boggling road trip that I had, to get to my destination I had such a nice trip home to see my family. Every trip home that I take is very different I would say. I often see different people each time and it’s always intriguing to see what family drama is being stirred up that weekend. On this particular trip, I got to see a good amount of family including the family that I don’t see every time that I come into town. Even though this was such a quick trip it was nice to have a brief moment where it’s like I live back at home with the fam again.
Alas, I had to come back to reality. Here I have a job that I had to get started with. The field that I’ll be working and have been working with for the past year is one that a lot of people can’t handle honestly. I work with troubled youth of the ENTIRE spectrum. That entails working with children of all ages who have troubles in life that just need some extra help in life. What most people don’t understand about this field of work is that it’s a lot of stress to work with people in this demographic. But if you can handle the stress it’s worth the rewarding feeling to see the growth that your clients make when you’re working with them. Especially when most of the clients wouldn’t have been able to see the progress that they made without your assistance in their lives. Not that you know the type of work that I do, let’s break down the complex parts of social work in the world. There are not enough resources and there’s not enough people who care enough for others. There are systematic issues in every company and unfortunately, the people with the least amount power typically fall into the line of people who deal with the most struggles. In my work history, I’ve found a lot of companies have systemic problems in their companies that the people in powerful positions don’t typically like to deal with rather than just brush things over. Although there’s a common factor in places like that, and that’s a lower quality of life for staff. Interestingly enough that has been the opposite vibes coming from the staff at the new company I just joined. I’m kind of excited to join a company where people actually enjoy their lives at work, but curious to see if it will last. I have a good feeling about the intentions of the company and those who are taking the forefront of any and all changes.
To end my week and start my weekend I went on a spontaneous, highly eventful hike with a boy. For those of you who climb mountains for sport, I give you kudos and a pat on the back. I climbed like a champ if I will say so myself. But I will also say that we went up that mountain unprepared for the adventures that we had. On such a beautiful day, it was one of the last summer-like days of the season and I had a perfectly beautiful outfit put together for the day. This outfit was NOT an outfit for hiking. Nonetheless, I wanted the entire world to see me in that outfit that day, so I wore it up a mountain. This outfit included heeled boots, leggings, a dress, and a jacket to tie it all together. None of my outfit was made for hiking, let alone the level of hiking we partook in. But I did it and I did it better than most people. Don’t get me wrong, I did complain when my equilibrium was just all out of wack. And as much as I complained I would do it all over again for that experience. Even with the rock climbing in heels and never-ending incline, that mountain had the most beautiful views. Overlooking a massive lake in the distance and the various mountains surrounding us. If you get a chance to get outside today, do it! You may go through a lot of emotions if you anyway like me, but it’s worth it. I know by the time I got back to my car that all I wanted to do was lie down and look at the stars. It’s such a simple thing to want to do, but so much more satisfying when you’re somewhere a little more secluded where the stars just shine brighter.
Where climbing a mountain was the big thing ending of my week this time. Next week is going to be SO much more fun. I turn 23 this upcoming weekend! I’m so excited to celebrate! I also have no real plan for my birthday. I have ideas that I’m bouncing around, but not sure which is going to stick. I have so many things that I could do that I would enjoy, but with such a large variety it’s all about making the right choice. Isn’t that what life is all about though? The one big thing that I will 100% be doing is watching the UFC 307 fights. But that’s one thing to do in an entire day’s worth of time. Plus the UFC can be playing in the background while doing activities (this would be ideal). I’m open to suggestions if anyone has any. Also don’t be shy, send your girl happy birthday wishes this weekend. I’d love the love!
I can’t wait to give you guys an update next week! Shine bright and don’t let anyone tell you can’t do something!
P.S. Go check out the gallery for all the future photos. There are some new proofs from Mount Major!